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Sex On The Floor Podcast, was created to educate the public about sexual and intimacy issues and how they are tied to both physical and mental health aspects. Hosted by pelvic floor physical therapist and owner of Pelvic Balance Physical Therapy, Dr. Molly Hart, PT, DPT, and Sex Therapist Dr. Katie Schubert, Ph.D., LMHC, CST, and owner of Cypress Wellness Center.

Dr. Molly specializes in treating women and men with chronic pelvic pain who suffer from pain when having intercourse. She created The HappyV formula which teaches women how to heal their pelvic floor, alleviate pain, and regain intimacy and pain-free sex.Dr. Katie is a Certified Sex Therapist and works with clients who have issues with their sexual or gender identity, sexual functioning, or who have sexual compulsive behaviors. She helps couples communicate about their sex and achieve better sex lives. She is also a Registered Yoga Teacher and incorporates mindfulness exercises to teach about sexual functioning and/or arousal.
A word from the hosts:
“We are here to have a good time, keep it real, and educate along the way! Excited for you to join us! We strive to help many relationships prosper in fun, safe, and healthy intimacy!”
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© 2021 Sex On The Floor

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